Israel Day 4

Wake up call at 6:30.

Bags out the door by 7.

Check out

Have breakfast

On the bus by 7:45

Drive 1.5 to 2 hours to get to Mount Carmel. The view was beautiful! We could see all the way to the Mediterranean Sea.

Drive another hour or more to get to Caesarea Maritima. This was described to us as the Las Vegas of 2000 years ago. It had a nearly complete amphitheatre, a place where chariot races would have taken place, and the remains of Herod’s summer palace, which probably housed Paul while he was imprisoned in Caesarea.

Went to a mall food court for lunch.

Another hour plus drive to the Mount of Olives.

From there walked to the Garden of Gethsemane and a nearby church

Stopped at a gift shop. The proprietor was trying really hard to sell Cheryl stuff with a sticker price over $3500 for only $2000 including taxes and shipping. Cheryl wasn’t biting, but he was persistent in a good natured way.

Got to the hotel around 5.

Dinner buffet at 6.

On the bus at 7 to tour the Western Wall tunnel. Well, is not really a tunnel, but Jerusalem, west of the Wailing Wall is built on a whole series of arched bridges.

Back to the hotel around 9.

Spent 15 minutes typing this in so I did not forget what we did today.

Then spent another 15 minutes doing it again because the Internet went out.

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